Welcome to my Portfolio

Elizabeth Cohen is an incoming third-year at the Pennsylvania State University pursuing a Bachelor of Design degree in Graphic Design. She specializes in Branding & Identity, Typography, & Layout Design.

My Story

Hi everyone! I’m Elizabeth.

I was first introduced to graphic design at the age of 15 when I was randomly enrolled in an Introduction to Graphic Design class freshman year of high school. I’ve always exhibited artistic talent in all aspects of my life, but it wasn’t until I immersed myself into this graphic design class that I opened myself to the possibility of a career in the arts.

Today, I continue to apply the vast methods and techniques I’ve learned and push to advance my personal craft and visual identity in my projects. I hope you enjoy what I have to share!

Keep in touch!




Studio Location

TuTh: 11:15am–2:15pm



119 Borland Building
University Park, 16802

Studio Hours